Below is a list of external mapping resources related to food insecurity and nutrition programs. Have a suggestion for an additional mapping resource to include? Contact us at
Food Insecurity
Map the Meal Gap (Feeding America)
The Cost of Living in Iowa (Common Good Iowa)
ALICE Research Center: Iowa (United for ALICE)
Food Access Research Atlas (USDA ERS)
Grocery Gap Atlas (RAFI)
FNS Program Participation Dashboard (USDA FNS)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP Community Characteristics Dashboard Congressional District Explorer (USDA FNS)
SNAP Eligibility & Access (US Census Bureau)
Iowa SNAP-Ed Needs Assessment Map (Iowa HHS and ISU Extension & Outreach)
The Gap Between SNAP Benefits and Meal Costs (Urban Institute)
SNAP County-Level Participation Map (FRAC)
Share of Older Adult (60+) Households Participating in SNAP (FRAC and AARP)
Older Adults Benefits Participation Map (National Council on Aging)
SNAP Retailer Locator (USDA FNS)
12-Month SNAP Participation Dashboard (Randy Rosso)
Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility (BBCE) State Policy Map (Luke Elzinga)
SNAP Replacement of Stolen Benefits Dashboard (USDA FNS)
State Safety Net Interactive (Brookings Institute)
School Nutrition Programs
Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder (USDA FNS)
CACFP and SFSP Area Eligibility Mapper (USDA FNS)
SFSP Capacity Builder Map (USDA FNS)
Child Nutrition Dashboard (USDA FNS)
Summer Food Mapper (FRAC)
Rural Designation Tool (USDA FNS)
School Foodservice Supply Chain Challenges Dashboard (USDA FNS)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Estimates of WIC Eligibility and Program Reach in 2021 (USDA FNS)
2020-2022 WIC Participation Dashboard (FRAC)
WIC & FMNP Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Dashboard (USDA FNS)
Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP)
Iowa Double Up Food Bucks Locations (Iowa Healthiest State Initiative)
GusNIP Site Map (Nutrition Incentive Hub)
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
CACFP Participation in Iowa in 2022
Local & Regional Food Systems
Nutrition Education and Local Food Access Dashboard (USDA FNS)
2021 Food Policy Networks Map (Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future)