Double Up Food Bucks Bill (SSB 1012) Passes Senate Subcommittee 3-0 Today
A subcommittee meeting for held today for Senate Study Bill 1012, a $1 million appropriation for Double Up Food Bucks that was introduced last week by Sen. Mike Klimesh, Chair of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee. A state appropriation for the Double Up Food Bucks program is a top legislative priority for the Iowa Hunger Coalition.
We are happy to report that SSB 1012 passed the subcommittee meeting 3-0 today, with unanimous bipartisan support.
Double Up Food Bucks is a triple win for Iowa: it increases access to healthy food for SNAP participants, grows markets for Iowa’s food farmers, and supports local communities.
If you haven’t already, please contact the subcommittee members below and thank them for their support of Double Up Food Bucks!
Sen. Mike Klimesh –
Sen. Mark Lofgren –
Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott –
Thank you to all the advocates who reached out and showed up in person and online to support Double Up Food Bucks today! We’re pleased to see such positive momentum on this bill so early in the legislative session.
We’ll report on next steps for this bill, and a forthcoming companion bill in the House, in the coming days and weeks.
Tomorrow: HF 59 Subcommittee Meeting
House File 59 creates a Grocer Reinvestment Fund and Fruit and Vegetable Processing Grant Program, and appropriates funds to each. The bill prioritizes support to small independent grocers who procure local food and accept SNAP and WIC benefits – all good things we like!
A subcommittee meeting for HF 59 has been scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) at 12:30pm in the House Lounge. Because this subcommittee meeting is in the House and not the Senate, you can watch the hearing online, but you may not speak.
Please contact the subcommittee members below and ask them to advance HF 59!
Rep. Mike Sexton –
Rep. Ken Croken –
Rep. Shannon Latham –
Thank you for your ongoing advocacy!