Tell Iowa’s Senators to Support a 15% Increase to SNAP

Contact your Senators today and tell them to support a 15% increase to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the next federal pandemic relief bill!

Since the pandemic began, we have seen hunger and food insecurity rise at an alarming rate. Hundreds of thousands of Iowans are being forced to make gut-wrenching decisions on a daily basis, such choosing between paying rent or buying groceries, filling a prescription or paying the utility bill. Racial inequities are deepening, and right now, there is no end in sight for the economic crisis many struggling Iowans are facing.

Increasing SNAP benefits by 15% would raise monthly Food Assistance (SNAP) benefits by $25 on average per person for the next two years.

While there have been some positive steps taken by the government, like the issuing of Emergency Allotments to provide the maximum benefit amount to all Food Assistance program enrollees, this measure has not increased benefits for Iowans struggling the most who were already receiving the maximum benefit. Increasing SNAP by 15% ensures everyone receiving assistance will see an increase in the amount of benefits they receive.

SNAP is smart for business, too, and helps support the economy. According to the USDA Economic Research Service, every $1 in SNAP benefits yields $1.54 in economic stimulus. Increasing SNAP is a smart, effective policy, and the best federal anti-hunger program we have in our tool belt.

In 2009, Congress passed a 15% increase to SNAP to respond to the Great Recession, and research has shown the increase helped keep nearly one million people out of poverty in 2010 alone.

Please tell your Senators to support a 15% increase to SNAP today!

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